Sunday, August 30, 2009

August update- the BIG one

Hey folks. It's been a long month with few posts and I feel bad about that. As you can see, we have been busy.

Besides calling poison control for chewing on clay tiki man, we have been out and about like never before. I'm trying to soak in every drop of sunshine until the seasons change and suddenly we are battling snowy road conditions and breaking our backs shoveling the driveway. Last week we went to the garden at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi and had a really great time. It was expensive, but beautiful. I was surprised there was such a beautiful garden there.

After acquiring some old clothes pins, Hot Pocket created a clothes line in our backyard. And i always disliked doing the laundry but since this has been installed, I jump out of bed in the morning ready to wash clothes. I love it so. And on especially hot days, it takes about 10 minutes for everything to dry. Save money on electricity and the clothes smell like sunshine and the catmint that is growing beneath the line. mmmmm. fresh. talk about aromatherapy.

It has taken me 2 months from cutting back on my work hours to realize that over the years I have gotten stuck in my daily routine and let my passions fall to the wayside. I have started knitting again and I even signed up to be in a Tuesday night knitting circle. I have always wanted to sew so for my birthday, Pocket is buying me classes to The Finishing School. I'm not interested in being an awesome seamstress but I just want to be able to make curtains, pillows, and halloween costumes for Pita Pocket when she is older. I remember my mom made me a My Little Pony costume in 2nd grade that was the bomb. We would go to the fabric store every september and I would pick out my costume. I want to be able to do that for Pita.

Also, i have started to paint again. Nothing amazing. Just for the sake of painting. It is really relaxing to me. Again, I'm not going for anything super talented or awe-inspiring, just having some fun. I painted this picture frame on a whim.

Where do i have the time to do these projects? well, i have learned to turn the tv off (but I still watch Big Brother religiously) and take advantage of my awesome husband who will watch her for little chunks of time. And if i'm done with work for the night, I will often sit down and create after Pita has gone to bed.

This past week has been tough. Pita has been in a terrible mood for nearly 7 days straight. she cries and cries, nearly nonstop, and won't take a nap. So i took her to the doctor after 4 days of her being upset thinking, "come on. something must really be up since this has lasted so long." but the dr couldn't find anything wrong with her. she is fine. not even teething yet. So we just have to tough it out. argh! I think she might just be growing. we have flashcards that I play with her and Friday she picked up the "baby" flashcard and clear as a bell said "baby." I nearly fell over.

Pita loves anything shiny and especially loves her daddy's glasses. She tries to the grab them off his face all the time. She also has the tendency to always be moving. she never stops. Her arms and legs have minds of their own as demonstrated in the picture below.

So friends, this is why I have not been blogging as often as usual. Don't hold it against me. I'm just having way too much fun. Also, the blog is public now. I told you I might change my mind.

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