Tuesday, July 14, 2009

6 months older and wiser

Look at this little stink bug. Ain't she just the cutest thing? Last week she turned 6 months old and I have to rub my eyes in astonishment when I look back at the photos I have taken over the duration of mommyhood thus far. There were nights she seemed to grow a whopping 2 feet overnight. There were bleak afternoons where I would get edgy around 6:00pm because I anticipated the sleepless night to come. Moments when the sheer beauty of little Pita's smile overwhelmed me to the point where my heart jumped up into my throat and the deep sense of love was almost too powerful to wrap my little head around. The past 6 months have been the single best time of my life and I have never been so on top of the world.

I must encourage all you moms out there, to participate in Project 52. I have talked about it before on this website but basically you take a photo of your child every week for a year and then create a photobook at the end of the year to see how your kid has changed. I can proudly say that I have not missed a week yet and the slideshow I have created thus far is really amazing.

From the get go Pocket has been super supportive to me staying home and Pita and I are very grateful for our hero. He works so hard and then comes home and works even harder. He still changes all the diapers when he is home and cooks dinner every night so I can get some work done. And how is working from home panning out? So far so good. I'm so lucky my job was willing to work with me.

At Pita's 6 month checkup last week we came to find out that Little Miss is in the 50th percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for height. Because she is so long and lean, no clothes really fit her. She is wearing the 9 month jammies for length but since she is so skinny, they look way too big for her. She tolerated her shots pretty well and even gave the MA a smile when we left.

We went camping over July 4th with Pita's God-Mommy, Candace, and her family. We are so lucky to have such a sweet and caring friend to help raise little Pita.

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