Sunday, April 26, 2009

Long time no see

Phew! Getting back in to the swing of things at work is exhausting! I have had zero energy when I come home at night and I dedicate every waking moment to being present with Pita. Wednesday and Thursday night, I fell asleep on the couch by 8:00pm. yeah, pretty obvious there isn't much to report.

Pita is growing in leaps and bounds. Thursday she will be 4 months old and she looks more like Hot Pocket every day. She is rarely fussy and smiles all the time. She laughed for the first time on Easter and she has a deep raspy voice. Not only is she rolling over from front to back but from back to front! All the literature I have read indicates that she is on the fast track and most babies don't master that skill until 6-7 months old. That being said, we can't swaddle her at night anymore as I'm afraid she will flip over on her face and won't be able to move her arms to flip back over.

That first month as a new mom was pretty overwhelming, but I"m thrilled to find out that the more time as a mommy I am realizing that I have never been happier in my whole life.

How are the pets handling the new baby? Well, Luna doesn't seem to care too much. She is barking a lot more and when we have company over she insists on them petting her. Clyde on the other hand sneaks into the baby's room and loves to curl up on the changing table. Ernie is still a total weirdo who enjoys eating plastic wrap and sprinkled donuts. I don't think he has even noticed the baby.

Oh yeah. I now fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans! Woot woot! I think I need to lose about 10 more pounds to be where I was before I got pregnant.

1 comment:

A'Lisha said...

she is so stinkin cute!! I just can't get over it!