Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sorry. Can't hear you over the crying of my child

Eeee gad, you guys! Starting last Friday, Pita has been a total fuss-budget. It started when we tried to put her down for bed which up until now has been going smooth with our little ritual of eat, bath, lotion, night-night. Well we put her down to sleep and she screamed like we were baptizing her in fire. Of course we run in to see what has poked her, checked the zipper to make sure we hadn't pinched her by accident, made sure she was ok. And she WAS ok. besides the fact that her face was nearly purple from screaming, she was fine. After about a half hour of me going silently INSANE, she piped down and went to sleep.

Saturday night we packed up Pita and went to the Salt Palace to watch a little roller derby. She was fine until about 9:00 pm when she started to fuss. It was WAY past her bed time so I wasn't surprised she was irritable but once we got in the car her screaming started and she sounded like an ambulance. A really loud angry ambulance. People were merging to the right and pulling off the road when they heard us coming it was that bad. (self conscious, much?) It continued the entire 25 minutes home. She barely had a voice by the time we came home. Put her to bed and she fussed for about 10 minutes more and then went to sleep.

Sunday night was the worst by far. While this time I put her down at her regular bedtime (7:30pm) she caused such a fuss that she didn't drift off until 9:15! NINE-FIFTEEN! At one point I had Pocket go in and check on her to which she abruptly stopped crying, smiled at him, and literally said "Come on Dad. Let's Play!" well, not literally. When he left she started up again until she finally fell asleep twenty minutes later.

Nap times are suddenly becoming this awful as well! in fact, the past couple days she has been fussy most of the day. I have gone through all possible scenarios...Is the new solid food we are giving her making her sick? not sure. Is she sleeping too much at night making her not sleepy for her naps and bed time? not sure. Am i overstimulating her with the awesomeness that is myself? not sure, either. Perhaps the tooth fairy is on her way for an unpleasant visit? What I did feel as a hard tooth last week has disappeared but I have been educated in the fact that baby teeth have a tendency to move up and down. Up and down, people!

until then, I guess I just have to grow a thick skin and start ignoring the glares I get when I take her out in public. Good thing she has her 6 month doctor checkup next week.

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