Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patty's Day

Hello there! it has been a little while since i posted as I have not been feeling so hot. I started getting a sore throat a few days ago which turned in to a big ordeal. i thought for sure i had strep-throat but the test came back negative. the doctor did think that perhaps I had mono, which good grief could you imagine!? Luckily, that was negative too. So it looks like i have a big bad virus that i just need to wait out. I couldn't even take any meds for it because i'm nursing. I think I have turned the corner though and feeling much better.

On to more serious things, remember when I needed to have an unsedated colonoscopy when I was pregnant? Well it looks like I will need to have another one here shortly. The details are not so fun to get in to so I won't go there, but there is a worry that I might have some sort of GI bleed. After a blood test taken yesterday, it looks like I am a little on the anemic side of things but I'm much better than I was when I was pregnant. Unfortunately, I still need to have another colonoscopy here shortly but thank god I can be knocked out this time.

Pita is doing well and growing so big. I took this picture of her this morning...can she BE any cuter?


wendyberd said...

wow - i didn't think it was possible for her go get any cuter!!

what's up with your GI stuff?!!?
need someone to wipe your drool up after the procedure?
just kidding. sorry you don't feel so hot.

Rebecca Anne said...

Found you via Twitter Moms~

And just when you think she couldn't get any cuter, she will and then you'll barely be able to swallow because she'll overwhelm you with smiles and cuteness.
As far as I know, no Mother has ever passed out from utter cuteness, but it feels like it sometimes.
She's beautiful!
I hope you're feeling better soon,